Baseball has been widely considered as "America's game" for quite a while now, but has changed dramatically from 1876. The television helped make baseball popular across America, bats and balls players used had majorly evolved to benefit them, and rules have drastically changed which changed the way players played the game. Baseball wouldn't be the sport it is today if none of this happened. The television was a major part of baseball's evolution. Tickets were a dollar in the 1920's, which is about $15 today. It was pretty cheap to see stars like Babe Ruth play, but not everyone could watch since not many people had a car or a stadium near them. The television let people watch from home without the hassle. This made it so that anyone (that could afford a T.V) is able to watch baseball and it helped it's popularity grow and grow through the mid-1920's until present. …show more content…
All the bats were about the same size and pitchers usually made their own balls. Gloves were big and was a sweat box for your hand. Not to mention players who wore one were frowned upon for being wimps. Now, all the balls are the same, you can customize your bats as long as they're legal, and gloves are now made by many different companies and in different colors. Balls are replaced every few pitches and some players have more than one bat that they use. Player's jerseys were also changed. When the game first began, they were made of wool. Now they're way more breathable and made of polyester. People also bought jerseys of their favorite player or team so they could represent them and they were a cool fashion