Bilingualism Research Paper

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Increasing development of bilingual education and the evolution of language may be due to the population size, social, political, economical and personal requirements. Numerous researches show that learning a language can improve mental agility, it can strengthen brain, develop communicative abilities of invidividuals and strengthen and improve overall humans´ abilities and skills. The concept of bilingualism should be tackled because of the various definitions that are given to this term. Those definitions seem to share one basic element, which is the use of two given languages by a given speaker. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages or the frequent use (as by a community) of two languages. …show more content…

If we want to analyse the term bilingual/ bilingual person into details, we must ask and try to find answer to the following …show more content…

The learners at the age of 3-5 are able to remember plenty of things just via using receptive skills. Their ability and range of remembering things is quite large. Very young learners are able to acquire the language only by listening. Until the age of 5 children are able to learn target language at the native speaker level, therefore the bilingual education is very prosperious and beneficial when started in the early age. Linguists and researchers as Purcell, Lee, Biffin, Baker distinguish other division of bilingualism and bilingual education. The basic division of bilingualism into compound, coordinate, balanced and dominant, has been already mentioned however there are some other criteria defining the division of bilingualism. Baker (2001) introduced several types of bilingual education programmes that are spread worldwide. Nowadays a lot of schools follow the curriculum based on the bilingual programmes invented by Baker. These programmes include the ways of learning foreign languages, the programmes reinforcing the target language or the programmes retaining the mother tongue at the first place and developing the target