
Sovereignty In Jean Bodin's The Republic

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Introduction The word sovereignty is derived from the Latin term ‘superanus’ meaning a supreme power. It was the French jurist who first used the terms sovereign and sovereignty in the 15th century. It was first used in Jean Bodin’s publication ‘The Republic’ in 1975. It is nothing but an absolute right and power vested with the governing body to discharge its functions without any influence or interference from the outside. The modern notion of state sovereignty mainly contains the aspects of territory, population, authority, and recognition. Sovereignty though throughout history has evolved to have various definitions has one core meaning to all those definitions i.e ‘a supreme authority within the territory’. According to F.H.Hinsley …show more content…

It was not until the 16th century that the term sovereignty gained popularity, as it was used by Jean Bodin to describe the powers of the French king over others. Until then the Romans only spoke about different levels of authority and not about supreme authority. Later on it was the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes who gave it its modern meaning and stated that in every state some person or body of persons must have an absolute authority whose purpose would be to protect and serve the rights of the people and maintain peace and to take such necessary actions as to maintain the security of the nation. The idea of sovereign states developed in Europe during the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which ultimately lead to the agreement allowing the rulers to decide upon on various things that would be controlled within their boundaries. Later with Europe colonizing most of the world after the 15th century the state system/sovereign state system spread throughout the globe to rest of the world. However, it was later on during the decolonization that the clear demarcation of borders became important for defining sovereign …show more content…

Interpreting that sovereignty was not, after all, a perfect concept and that it was influenced by various aspects. These political scientists went on to criticize the idea of sovereignty as being exercised and influenced by various political, religious, economic and social groups that usually dominate the government of that State. And that sovereignty did not reside with a single body or entity but constantly shifted from one body/group to another and that it did not possess any special characters. Changing Notion of State Sovereignty in the 21st Century All through history the concept of sovereignty had constantly evolved and it was in the 21st century that it started going through various new twists and turns. The idea of state sovereignty slowly started diminishing with the establishment of various international organizations and the Euro Zone, which mainly focus on international harmony and in upholding the international integrity rather than state sovereignty. It is the 21st century that the idea of a sovereign state seems to disappear and is over shadowed by the modern idea of globalization, where the world is becoming a global market setting aside the sovereign

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