Evolution Vs Intelligent Design

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Intelligent Design Versus Evolution Intelligent Design is a theory that the idea of life is so complex that an intelligent being could only have created it, and the intelligent being helped guide evolution. Evolution is the theory that life was created through mutations and reproductive success that filters the environment favoring some variations more than others, and then evolving from the favored one. Intelligent Design is the all-inclusive explanation of a higher being and also recognizes both evolution and natural selection in the theory. Many other theories do not recognize any existent of a higher being at all. Intelligent Design does recognize an existent of a higher being, and is also solely based on observations. A natural process …show more content…

This theory adds to the construction of the biological system. All of the observations and experiments provide the certain amount of evidence to support Intelligent Design that is needed. Intelligent Design is scientific based because of the process of making observations. The modern scientific method is the process of gathering observable and measurable evidence, which is what Intelligent Design is based on. Intelligent Design critic, Justin Gero states, “ID invokes an unseen force to explain the origin of life. The second that ID supporters invoke the supernatural to explain anything. It is no longer science. Science cannot observe or test the supernatural. That is philosophical and theological idea.” (Introduction to Intelligent Design Versus Evolution: At Issue, 2007). The supernatural is not included anywhere in Intelligent Design and ID is a scientific theory. It is a scientific theory because it can be observed and is also based on evidence. The theory of Intelligent Design may not have a testable hypothesis, but because ID is based on observations and experiments, Intelligent Design is linked to science and is a valid …show more content…

Although the counterargument is that CSI could be explained through evolution or natural process. However, many theorists agree with, “Michael Behe and William Dembski use principles of molecular biology and mathematical probability, respectively, to make the case that life is to complex to have evolved. Behe’s theory of irreducible complexity is an elaborate argument that certain biological systems, such as the bacterial flagellum, could not have evolved from simpler forms through numerous, successive, slight modifications.” (Introduction to Creationism Versus Evolution: At Issue, 2005). Bacterial Flagellum could not have evolved through a natural process because if one part of any system were changed through evolution, the entire system would not work. The whole system has to work together like it does in intelligent design. If evolution guided the process, this system would not function the correct way, and be missing modifications. Which shows that Intelligent Design is a valid working theory, and the evolution could not have guided this

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