Ex-Muslim Speaks Out About The Koran Dilemma By Al Fad

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Human rights are believed to be unconditionally granted to all human beings no matter the race, sex, nationality, language or religion of the individual. These rights are necessary for the balance of the relationship between government power over the people and the individual's itself. Limitations are in place so the government will not abuse their power and take advantage of the people. The United Nations drafted the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” in 1948 which outlines these rights for our world. This document defines human rights as "..the inherent dignity equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..." Article 18 of this document also …show more content…

A person’s own intuitive thinking is something that cannot be taken away from them no matter how much someone may attempt to. Their imagination is something only they have access to directly. Religion down to its simplest form and in its many states is nothing more than what people think and believe. An article title “Ex-Muslim Speaks Out about the Koran Dilemma” interviews a man by the name of Al Fadi, who shares his experiences with the corruption of the Muslim religion. He stated “When I lived in Saudi Arabia, not only did I look at non-Muslims as second class, you would look at non- Muslims as second class citizens” Because Fadi was Muslim his thinking was altered and he began to think that others were beneath him all because he was Muslim and they were not. He continues on by saying “So you learn all of these things and then of course you learn that the Koran tells you to hate the Christians and the Jews.” The holy book of Islam is certainly informing individuals to despise other religions, forcing thoughts upon them that they may not agree with. This is controlling the compassion one has for another human being, which is something that should be given to everyone no matter the religion. This is a form of discrimination which also can be considered brainwash which is defined as making someone adopt radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible pressure according to Google. According to the article Al Fadi has converted to Christianity which is something that can bring a death sentence upon him in his homeland. He obviously understood the importance of freedom of thought, even if he wasn’t fully aware of it. He became fully aware of the conniving ways that the Muslim people had to live by and decided that he no longer wanted to be a part of it anymore. Threats and fear is something that many ex-Muslims experience for their