Example Of A Social Construct Research Paper

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When I was born I was wrapped in a pink blanket and bow was slapped on my head. I guess this is some sort of a symbol for the gender roles that were going to encase my life, but that's a bit pretentious for my taste. In all reality though I was never given a say in my gender, I was labeled as a girl whatever that meant from the moment I was given my first pink blanket. I was also given a set of expectations of what a girl was supposed to be, in my culture. The same thing was happening to all the babies born in that hospital that day with me, the babies with male genitalia were given blue blankets and a different set of expectations. Due to the expectations society has developed for each biological sex, gender has become a social construct. …show more content…

Social constructs surround in our everyday lives and we never question the validity behind them until someone says they are a social construct. As Trombley stated,
“We have to get past the idea that things that are socially constructed are somehow not real. . .“X is socially constructed” or “X are social constructs” as if to say they are only or just social constructs–as if to say X is not real. But social constructs are real–that’s what makes them so powerful. Race, Class, Gender–these are all social constructs, but it is because they are socially constructed that they have tremendous effects on the lives of people who live in a particular society” (Trombley, 2011)
Social constructs are powerful ideas that have great impact on our society, the fact that they are create by society makes them no less valid or