Growing up, I was not a particularly athletic child. Throughout my childhood, I attempted several different sports including dance and swimming, both of which I failed miserably at. I also tried to follow in my sister’s footsteps and play soccer, but I managed to get hit with the ball more than actually kicking it, so in 8th grade I made a bold move and joined the crew team. I grew up on the lake, so I loved the idea of a sport on the water. I quickly learned however, that rowing is not easy. It involves eighteen hours of practice a week, long pre-practice runs, and all day races known as regattas on weekends.
Nevertheless, I was hooked on rowing, and despite a few set backs with injuries, I excelled and raced in top boats. I usually rowed in the women’s lightweight eight category that consisted of eight rowers and a coxswain, all under 130 pounds. Over the course of the year “the boat” becomes very bonded and committed to each other. You had to be there and be ready to row hard regardless of other commitments. Our boat was pretty successful, medaling at every race, but after a year of togetherness, we were not working together as well as we had hoped to.
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I had taken marketing classes and was fascinated by the strategic and marketing development of organizations. I decided to compete with DECA, an International Association of marketing students that was available through my high school. I had really chosen to compete on a whim, but after a few practice tests, I had scored the highest in my district and now had the chance to partake in the state