Example Of Sincerity Research Paper

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To start off Father James Schall says with sincerity we want people to tell us the truth in what they say or do. As a person, he does not want people to be misled by other people’s actions or statements. Also, sincerity comes down to a person sticking to their word about being true or false, doing what is right or wrong, or doing it or not doing it being whatever that is. For the most part, Schall says the more sincere you are as a person the more dangerous it can be for you in the end so to conclude you can be as sincere as you want but you have to stick to your word. For example, he brings up that Hitler, suicide bombers, and Lenin being “sincere” people because of their views and their drive to do something. The outcomes of these people were terrible for millions of people do not get me wrong but these people stuck to their word in the end and as a result these people were a huge danger to millions. As a population, we cannot be simplistic in understanding the wide variety of the human nature and its dark side. Compassion is a word that is used to show how we suffer with or for another person during a time of need. Compassion is like sincerity due to it being …show more content…

Plato would want us to be kind to all people because we do not know what is going on in their lives at the moment. Showing compassion to a person who is in need could be the difference of this person ending his or her life. We all have problems and we all handle problems differently, so Plato would advocate being compassionate to all who you meet even if you have never meet them before. Plato would describe sincerity being very important when living life, if you lived a life lying and being untrustworthy you will not be respected and disliked. He would also say do everything with one hundred percent sincerity because it will get you far in life even if it goes