Sociological Imagination: Definition By C. Wright Mills

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As defined by our in-class textbook and also a term coined by C. Wright Mills, the sociological imagination is the ability to see the relationship between individual experiences and the larger society. Sociological imagination gives us the ability to comprehend the social context of our own personal happenings. Within sociological imagination, there are two different types of troubles, personal and public issues. Personal troubles are private issues that involve the individuals and the people they associate themselves with. It is a problem that must be solved by the individual and it is not influenced by society. Public issues are issues that influence larger numbers of individuals in a community and they are issues that society must solve. …show more content…

An example of a time I did not use sociological imagination was during winter break when my best friend got married. After finding out through her boyfriend’s Instagram that they were getting married soon, I really took it to heart and thought she did it behind my back. They had been engaged for weeks and I had not the slightest clue. After talking to her, I found out that they would be getting married within the week. Her husband would be getting deployed very soon, and they wanted to seal the deal before he would be taken overseas. It took me a very long time to understand why she would marry someone who she had only known for a month. I thought she did not want me to know what was going on, but after understanding that he was being deployed, I understood where she was coming from. After realizing this, I no longer judge her harshly as I once did. Sociological imagination gives you the ability to understand the different factors that go into a situation. It helps us identify if the problem can be solved by a change in the person or if there needs to be a change in society. Sociological imagination gives us the understanding of why some things happen and that we do not always have all sides of the story. Without sociological imagination, the world would be a harsher