Examples Of Accusers In To Kill A Mockingbird

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“The climax of terror is reached when the police state begins to devour its own children when yesterday’s executioner becomes today's victim.” This goes with Victoria and Ruby. Ruby and Victoria are the two girls in the Scottsboro trial. Which both of them are accusers and victims of society. It’s also like Mayella, which is a fictional character, who is also a victim and an accuser. In our world today, society plays a huge role in our life. Even in the books, we read in some way society affects the characters such as the way we dress, or the way we talk and walk, etc.

In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, there is a character named Mayella Ewells. She was “raped” by a black man in her house. This took place in the 1930’s when being racist was a norm. Victoria Price had a similar …show more content…

Mayella and Victoria were both accusers. Mayella accused Tom Robinson in To Kill a Mockingbird of raping her in her own house knowing that her father, Bob Ewells, was abusing her. Victoria accused the 9 boys of raping her and Ruby on the train they were riding, knowing that the boys never touched them. Society made Mayella into an accuser by the fact that if she had stood and actually accused her father of abusing her, there wouldn’t have been a case. Mayella wouldn’t have gotten any attention form that. The people would just blow it off as well because a white man would never do that in the 1930’s. Mayella had to accuse some so she accused black person knowing that something would blow up with that. The society also made Victoria an accuser because she too wanted attention. Victoria was very poor and she needed money. So, she accused the boys of raping her. She knew that the society she lived in hated black people, she doesn’t like black people herself. Accusing the boys would get her something, it would get her the attention that she wanted and it could get her money. Society really influenced Victoria in a very negative