Examples Of Act 2 Figurative Language In Macbeth '

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UNIT B2: Macbeth Quotation Explication (Act 5, Scene 1) In a hall within the castle Dunsinane. Lady Macbeth entranced in a walking slumber shares guilty words spewed forth by her tongue ensnared by her conscience. She spreads these words through the echoey walls and any soul with half the mind to listen. The guilt which has entranced her speaks to the terrible acts committed by her command. In the past, she believed that nothing more than: “A little water” would clear them of their so grievous deed. Now in the present time, her unconscious mind projects how: “all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand”. These lines explain the turmoil that has been placed on her. Representing her belief that the blood spewed from the bodies

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