
Examples Of Alienation In Catcher In The Rye

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Holden’s blinded alienation Throughout The Catcher in the Rye, readers see the struggle and depression Holden experiences. J.D.Salinger emphasizes Holden's fixed pessimistic and introverted views on society in many complex scenes. Holden met many people such as Stradlatter, Ackley, and even Maurice that Holden thought were merely irritating and phony. Since Holden had such a pessimistic view on society, Holden always dismissed feelings towards his memories with people. Yet, near the end of the novel, as Holden progresses his life by going to school, Holden learns the true value of the memories by finding his passion and people to share his feelings with. Thus, whenever Holden talks about his memories, he misses everybody because it reminds …show more content…

Holden is depressed, feels lonely, and is oblivious of where to go for help. This enclosed introverted mindset led to Holden's fall as he thinks that the people he meets throughout the novel are merely phony, annoying, or violent. During Holden's conversation with Phoebe, he had a hard time expressing who he liked when Phoebe, impatient and annoyed, said, "You don't like anything that's happening." Holden is stuck in this bubble where he cannot find out who to learn from to get out of his mindset, where he tries to alienate himself from society. Likewise, when Holden meets with Mr. Antolini near the end of the novel, Mr. Antolini mentions the thought of school and how Holden is "in love with knowledge… and when you get past all the Mr.Vinsons… you'll find that you, not the first person who was ever… sickened by human behavior" (page 246). Mr. Antolini opens Holden's eyes to the fact that Holden is not alone when it comes to being introverted and the need to alienate himself from society. However, by getting past the annoying people from school, Holden will be "stimulated to know" that he will learn from and meet people in the same situation as he is right now to have a more open view of society (page 247). Thus, as readers see how Holden disconnected himself from society and how Holden learned to cherish moments while they last, he missed people such as Stradlater and …show more content…

As Holden had his conversation with Mr. Antolini, Mr. Antolini said, "I have some feeling you are riding for some terrible, terrible fall" (242-243). Mr. Antolini mentions this fall to Holden because Mr. Antolini wanted to make Holden aware of his downfall, of disconnect with society, before it is too late for Holden to recover. However, Holden replies, saying," You're wrong about that hatting business…I may hate them for a little while… but it doesn't last too long… If I didn't see them in the dining room or a couple of meals, I sort of missed them" (242-243). Holden missed Stradlater and Ackley when they were gone because of how their absence was not acknowledged when Holden was with Stradlatter and ackley. For instance, when Ackley was Holden's roommate, Holden would hate Ackley because of how he would barge in Holden's room consistently, cut his toenails on the floor, and have horrible dental hygiene. Nevertheless, Holden still misses Ackley because Holden did not cherish and see how Ackley's unique and irritating personality was unique, thus Holden did not imagine what Ackley's absence feels like until he left. Likewise, with Stradlatter, although Holden recognized Stradlater's physique and how Stradlater is a hotshot, Holden never truly appreciated

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