
Examples Of Allegory In Beowulf

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The epic heroic poem “Beowulf” is one successful piece works in the English literature in old English Saxon written between 600-800 C.E. After the crucifixion of Christ, Christianity began to expand baptizing the first Christian Anglo-Saxon during the 7th century which the poem was later written between that era. Since the biography of the poet is inconclusive, there is evidence correlating from the poets writing style in the epic poem from which it could have conveyed the poet being a Christian writer. The poet endeavors its writing technique of the story in Beowulf as the pagan society, but the poet portrays a substantial of hidden Christianity allegory. Therefore, how does the poet distinguish the poem of Beowulf into Christianity elaborating the noble hero Beowulf to portray as a figure of Christ, Grendel as the descendent of Cain, and dragon as Satan? …show more content…

The critical allegory of the character is the scene of the dragon when Beowulf sensed death is approaching whereas Christ sensed betrayal of someone close to him (L.2319-2420). Additionally, the poet applies a similar allegory from the appearance of Wiglaf representing the warrior Beowulf as “The Shepherd of our land, a man unequalled in the quest for glory” (L.2644-2645). As Beowulf was referenced a heroic warrior from the land of the Geats, whereas Christ was referenced as the shepherd and humanity gathered together as the sheep’s from the book of Hebrews in, “Our lord Jesus from the dead, that great shepherd of the sheep” (Heb. 13:20). Scholar Laurence Mazzeno elaborates the links between Beowulf and Christ as both figures aware for one mission to be held, “accountable for responsibilities and act with love toward their fellow men and women”

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