Examples Of Allusions In Macbeth

359 Words2 Pages
Sofia Wells
Brandie Trent
AP Literature
March 14, 2023
Mythological Allusions and Macbeth’s Prophecy Many allusions to Greek Mythology are present within the tragic tale of Macbeth and his prophecy. In particular, allusions to Cerberus and the Three Fates distinguish characters within the play, enrich the plot, and discuss the theme that greed proves loyalty to immoral causes due to self-absorption. Chronologically, the introduction of the three witch sisters in Act 1, Scene 1 of Macbeth directly parallels the Three Fates within Greek mythology. Both sets of characters predict and impact one’s future to individuals who are interested. The three witches and their prophecy for Macbeth act as the driving force in the plot of the play. The idea

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