
Examples Of Antigone As An Anti-Feminist Play

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Antigone: An Anti-Feminist Play
Sophocles’ play Antigone begins with Creon, the king of Thebes, decreeing that the punishment for burying the traitorous Polynices, who fought against the city, is death. However, Creon’s niece Antigone decides to comply with religious law and to defy this decree by burying her dead brother. Because Antigone disobeys his decree, Creon orders that she be locked away, allowing fate to decide whether she lives or dies. However, Antigone decides to kill herself and, furious with his father for Antigone’s death, Creon’s son Haemon also kills himself. Overcome with the grief from her son’s death, Creon’s wife Eurydice commits suicide. Sophocles wrote the play Antigone as an anti-feminist play.
Although Antigone is
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