
Examples Of Conformism In Animal Farm

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Conformist V.S Nonconformist
“Four legs good, two legs bad” is what the animals on Animal Farm by George
Orwell lived by. Snowball and The Dogs was the animals on the farm that helped enforce this rule. Snowball is a pig that challenges Napoleon for control of Animal Farm after the rebellion. Snowball won the loyalty of the animals but Napoleon won the farm.
The dogs in Animal Farm was Napoleon’s nine attack dogs. They intimidate the other animals and consolidate his power. Snowball and The Dog was two of the most hated animals on the farm. Snowball and The dogs conformist and nonconformist results were hatred. The dogs conformed by doing what they were told and listening . For example, when Snowball argued with Napoleon about the building …show more content…

Another example is when Napoleon called a meeting and the book
Mosley 2 said “The six dogs closely surrounded him and growled if anyone came too close”. This shows conformist because in chapter 3 Orwell Talks about Napoleon taking the dog and teaching them himself, and that tells me that the dog are listening and doing what they are taught , that's conformity. Conformity made the other animals on the farm hate the dog for being so obedient to Napoleon.
Even though The dogs was the most feared animal on the farm they still had to face consequences from their action, the consequence was the other animal become scared of the dogs and scared to speak up even if they know what was right. The consequences of listening to Napoleon was becoming a murdered. They were killing another animal even though the 6th commencements said “ No animal shall kill another animal “. The dogs also didn’t think for themselves because Napoleon thought for them.
The dogs also go special treatment, like extra food and got to sleep in warm beds
They were respected more than any animal on the farm though.
Snowball was a nonconformist because he did whatever he wanted to do.
Something that symbolizes nonconformist that Snowball did is when they wanted

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