Cultural Influence On Communication

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Cultural influence was examined by comparing two individuals that come from distinct cultural groups. An interview was conducted in order to be able to learn the different ways that culture has played an important role in the way that a person communicates and forms relationships. The interview conducted was focused on the interviewee, named Hanyu Wang, who comes from Beijing China. Hanyu was asked a series of questions which revolved around the idea of culture and how it has impacted him as a person. His responses were compared to mine in order to be able to come up with the conclusion that different cultural groups have different traditions, customs, and beliefs that are incorporated within themselves which can be seen in their persona by the way they communicate and think. Keywords: cultural influence, communicate, culture, relationships

Cultural Influence Towards Communication Methods and Relationships …show more content…

Communication is used everyday by everyone in order to be able to express what they are feeling or thinking with other people. There are multiple ways of communication and everyone communicates in different manners. These ways of communications are learned based on the culture that a person grows with and it then influences the way that they practice communication in their own lives when building relationships with others that may not come from their same cultural background. Communication is a mechanism that individuals use in order to be able to share out ideas or form relationships, but what is the basis of communication? According to the texbook Real Communication: An introduction, it states “ Research shows that people with high self-esteem are more confident in their interpersonal relationships” (O’Hair, Wiemann, Mullin, & Teven,