
Examples Of Daisy Buchanan

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Sarah Monroe Hoskins Honors English 2 June 2023 Daisy Buchanan's lack of morality Daisy Buchanan lacks morality because she ignores all of her responsibilities and the consequences others suffer because of it. Fitzgerald states,¨the king´s daughter, the golden girl.¨ (Fitzgerald 120). Daisy knows that she's untouchable because she married into an old money family, so their money, power, and name keep them from worrying about responsibilities and consequences. One example is when Daisy finally decides to visit Gatsby lavish party. Daisy and Gatsby have just reunited and they´ve started their affair all over again except this time, Daisy has a husband. Daisy tends to spend a lot more time at Nicks house because he lives next to Gatsby, so …show more content…

One decision daisy made was to leave the Buchanan house on east egg and travel into New York in different cars,¨¨and everything´s so confused. Let´s all go to town¨¨ (Fitzgerald 118). Daisy was too uncomfortable at the house with everyone so she differed from the situation leaving with Gatsby in Toms car and Jordan, Tom, and Nick leaving in Gatsby car. Since Daisy proposed leaving the house it left consequences for everyone involved with the Buchanans. Tom figured out that Daisy and Gatsby were having an affair and by everyone leaving the house they would be leaving Tom´s territory so that there confrontation in no man´s territory. Tom begins to worry since Daisy and Gatsby are spending so much time together, ¨I think he was afraid they would dart down the street and out of his life forever¨ (Fitzgerald 126). Daisy causes all this stress because she wanted to have a little risk in her constant life with Tom. Another reaction this caused was the Wilsons because Myrtle saw Tom, Jordan, and Nick in one car and immediately assumed that Jordan, who was dressed in white, was Daisy Buchanan. Daisy doesn´t know who Tom´s mistress is but her decision made things a lot harder for both of them as they had another problem to take care of. As well as Myrtle, her husband, George found out about Myrtles affair unaware that it was one of his customers, causing him to make them move away, and Tom knew that once they stopped making him tense about his mistress moving. Sicne the whole point of beign at the house that day was for daisy to say that she never loved Tom, so that she and Gatsby could be together. Except that did not happen for Daisy got scared and went with Gatsby into New York. Gatsby only ever cared about Daisy and that she is exactly what he wants in a partner, he is blind to her avoiding every little thing that requires her to own up to something. Gatsby is working

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