Examples Of Dehumanization In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Dehumanization. According to Dictionary.com, we define dehumanization as the act of regarding, representing, or treating a person or group as less than human. This concept is hard to comprehend, and the atrocities of the Holocaust have been forever immortalized in Elie Wiesel's memoir, Night. In this book, Wiesel conveys the tragedies endured by himself and the Jewish people, but also encourages readers to help others and be aware of the world around them.

They subjected the Jews to an inhumane process of dehumanization. They were stripped of their possessions, their names, and their families. They gave every Jew a number. Elie informs us that “The three "vet-eran'' prisoners, needles in hand, tattooed numbers on our left arms. I became A-7713. …show more content…

Elie had been a firm believer in God, but when he experienced the atrocities of the Holocaust, it filled him with anger and doubt. He questioned why God had yet to save them, Elie questions “What are You, my God? I thought angrily. How do You com-pare to this stricken mass gathered to affirm to You their faith,their anger, their defiance? What does Your grandeur mean, Mas-ter of the Universe, in the face of all this cowardice, this decay, and this misery? Why do you go on troubling these poor people's wounded minds, their ailing bodies?” (Wiesel 66) Elie was doubting why he should worship God when all of the bad things that were happening to him and the Jews. Elie was very resilient but going through what he had gone through was extremely hard. Elie was in camps for the majority of his life. It might not have been his whole life but this was a big part of his story. Elie was hurt by God and was mad but when you love and know someone will always be there for you, you will always love them. Elie “And in spite of myself, a prayer formed inside me, a prayer to this God in whom I no longer believed.” (Wiesel 91) In the end, however, Elie found faith again, understanding that God had been faithful to him through both good and