Examples Of Dehumanization In Night By Elie Wiesel

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The Dark Place
In the book “Night” by Eli Wiese,l Eli shares his point of view of his life before, during and after the Holocaust. From life before the ghettos to getting transported to concentration camps. Eventually ending up in a hospital. Throughout the book Elie uses multiple literary devices to show the inhumane treatment of the Jewish people by the Nazi’s. Throughout this Essay I am going to focus on Dehumanization. To specify throughout the book the Jews are slowly dehumanized and seen as less than human. I believe Elie Wiesel uses the technique of dehumanization to effectively convey his message of the horrors of the Holocaust and the human capacity for evil.

In the beginning of the book Night, the Jews were having a week of Passover, in Elies community they sang, ate and drank. On the seventh day of Passover the Germans arrested all the leaders of the Jewish community. The first step Germans took was forbid Jews from …show more content…

after being herded into the cattle cars the train stops and, “The SS walked by shouting throw out all the dead! outside all the Corpses” (pg. 99) The Germans wanted to get rid of the dead Jews in the cattle cars. it hurts me to know the Germans would just throw out the dead bodies as if they were trash bags, how could anybody stand for that, how cruel and evil must you be to treat other humans as trash! while waiting outside and eating Elie goes to his father who says, “They didn't give us anything, they said that we were sick, that we would die soon, and that it would be a waste of food” (pg. 107)To see how Germans could go about not feeding the sick Jews inside the barracks makes me sick. How could somebody let that happen, letting other human beings to starve to death is evil, and cruel. It makes me wonder what could cause Germans to see Jews as something other than human, treating them like absolute shit, excuse my language but the Germans were