
Examples Of Dehumanization In The Book Night

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Dehumanization in Nazi internment camps was not an uncommon issue, because the whole point of the camps was to eradicate the Jews to stop their beliefs. In the novel Night, there are several examples of this. One main example is when the Nazis went door to door in Jewish communities asking for all of their earthly possessions, so they could relocate them to the camps. The point of the novel was to tell the story of Eliezer and his families experience within the camp. Very early in the story Eliezer loses contact with his mother and sister, only having his father left throughout the rest of the story. The minute they got to the camp they were being dehumanized by having to remove and give up their clothes, take a shower with many other men, and put on the clothes that the camp provided for you which were nothing more than rags. …show more content…

The started off treating the Jews with some kindness, but a few weeks after they arrived they started literally treating them like dirt with no rights and using inhuman punishment. The work they had to do was odd at times but at other times it was the worst jobs imaginable like shoveling the remains of the camp members who they burned in a giant crematorium. Another way the Nazis dehumanized the Jews was only giving them one or two meals at most a day with no breaks during the day. Eventually they even took the crows from their teeth, and if they refused to give it to them they were either beaten or killed, more often they were

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