
Examples Of Dialectical Journal For Hamlet

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Hamlet Journal Essay In our daily life, when someone does some bad things to make your uncomfortable or make you feel very angry, you may come up with an emotion that you want them also feel bad and be angry. This is called the desire to revenge. In Hamlet, because his uncle kills his dad who is the king, Hamlet manages to revenge for his dad through the whole book. This book shows great deep madness towards his uncle. Due to the great depression, the desire to revenge even makes him become crazy and lose his mind though he is a very smart person. I feel so confused about it at first. Does revenge really have such power to drag people crazy like that? So, I looked up the word revenge online and the definition for the word is that the action …show more content…

“Haste me to know’t, that I, with wings as swift. As meditation or the thoughts of love, May sweep to my revenge” (1.5.35-37). Also, not only Hamlet wants to revenge, his father wants it too: “I am thy father’s spirit, Doom’d for a certain term to walk the night. And for the day confined to fast in fires. Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature...” (1.5.14-28) As we can see, the madness from those words is …show more content…

I have to admit that through Hamlet, it is an absolute bad thing. It pushes Hamlet to kill his uncle and be crazy. But, sometimes, revenge can be a good thing. “ The best revenge is massive success.” Frank Sinatra once said. The next time you feel the dark tendrils of revenge creeping into your soul, you should take that intensity and put it towards succeeding. I would like to take myself as an example for this. When I was at the age of 8, my math grade was so terrible that one of the boys in our class laughed about me. That really made me sad and mad. I said to myself that I wanted to revenge. Instead of doing some physical damages to him, I went home and studied harder than before. So, on the next math test, I finally got a good grade and I got a higher grade than him. I felt really proud for myself, because it is my own revenge to

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