
Examples Of Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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What if you were discriminated just because of your skin color? In the book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, it was a very racist time black people were hated and discriminated. White people would always say the word “nigger” which was a racist term for black people. Even children would say “nigger” as if it was a common word and was no big deal. To Kill A Mockingbird evils of racisms because African American were hated was not treated fairly. Also the people was always against Tom Robinson even though they knew they were wrong they still did not side with him which is individual versus society. Lastly they got used, treated like trash and was thrown away like trash which is vulnerability of the week. In To Kill A Mockingbird evils …show more content…

In the court when Robert Ewell took Tom Robinson to court because Robert claimed that Tom raped Mayella and assaulted her. "There's something in our world that makes men lose their heads --they couldn't be fair if they tried. In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins. They're ugly, but those are the facts of life."(Harper Lee pg 220). The white folks would always win against the black folks because the white folks of Maycomb were racist and would try their hardest just to not let the black folks win a court case. Even though in all of their heads they knew that Tom Robinson was innocent they told themselves to believed that he raped and assaulted Mayella. Just so he can be guilty and punished, and he had to go through all that trouble just because he looked different from them. Mayella's testimony did not make a single sense when she told the story of what happened to her and everyone already knew that she was lying. “He got me round the neck, cussin‘ me an’ sayin‘ dirt—I fought’n’hollered, but he had me round the neck. He hit me agin an‘ agin—” Everyone in that court knew that Tom didn’t hurt Mayella in any way because it was physically impossible for him. When he had to place his left hand the Bible he couldn’t even do that because his arm kept falling of the Bible, and he his left arm was gone …show more content…

In To Kill A Mockingbird Robert Ewell took advantage of his daughter Mayella and even hit her too and was calling her names. Tom Robinson just happen to caught at the wrong place and at the wrong time because when Mayella jumped on top of him her father just happened to come home and catch them. Then Robert got mad for Mayella climbing onto Tom and beat her badly and called her name. Not only that Robert Ewell then took advantage of the situation and blamed Tom of raping her and beating her. Since he knew that he could get out of trouble by blaming Tom, since the white folks would take his words over a black person. After that Tom got scared and ran away until he was caught by the sheriff and was arrested. Mayella even used Tom even though she loved him just because she was afraid of her father so she had to put the blame on Tom. Tom is considered vulnerability of the week because it was so easy to just put the blame on him since he was black. In To Kill A Mockingbird Mayella called Tom over to bust up a chiffle for a quarter. Tom did what she asked him too but he declined her money. He was a young gentleman, but Mayella just treated him like trash even though she’s been using him all these time and he still didn’t complain a single time and

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