Examples Of Doublethink In 1984 By George Orwell

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1894 a dystopian novel written by George Orwell where Big Brother, an oppressing government does all he can in order to control the thoughts and actions of the Oceana community. Big Brother's political Party manipulates all aspects of society in order to intimidate the citizens of Oceania and demonstrate the amount of power that he possesses. The Party's political goal is to establish a totalitarian society where all of the members of the community obey, respect and follows all of the government policies. The Party carries out this tasks by spying on the people, by creating ministries, and restricting the already existing language. Citizens of Oceania are constantly being watched by the Party as a tactic to gain complete control over their …show more content…

In order for this method to work the government feeds information to the citizens in such a way that they believe what the government tells them even if they completely oppose with the government. "To forget, whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself” (Orwell, 3.44). Double thinking is a method that eliminates opposition by eliminating any thoughts of anti-government. As many critics say doublethink is a skill that is thought rather than learned, citizens of Oceania were trained to control their thought in such a way that they completely agree with the government implemented …show more content…

Throughout the book, one can see that the Party presents itself to the people as omniscient. “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past" (Orwell, 2.213) Due to the spying methods that are implemented the Party is aware of all of the people's moves, it knows it all and sees it all, just like God. The Party trains the community so that younger generations are thought to obey the Party without asking questions. Doublethink is a method that shows how the Party believes they are never wrong, everything they say is true and flawless. The Party manages to manipulate document and information, therefore, they always have a way to prove that what they say is correct. Just like faith teaches us that God can punish sinners, the Party does the same. All of the citizens that do not do what they are supposed are being watched and taken into one of the ministries to be punished. Individuals who rebel against the Party are punished and tortured in such a way that they end up emotionally and physically dead. The Party does something that only God can do, which takes the life of people. The Party is described as omnipotent because they take attributions that only belong to God, such as manipulating the thoughts of individuals and punishing them for their "wrong" actions. We as the audience never see Big Brother we only hear of him and of his rules, no-one gets to meet him just