Examples Of Dramatic Irony In Hamlet

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The Ghost and Hamlet are speaking in private about a serious matter. Hamlet is horrified to hear that the Ghost standing in front of him is actually his father’s spirit. His father’s ghost goes on to speak about how ‘King’ Claudius had killed him by poisoning him, and spreading a rumour to all of Denmark saying that a snake bite ended his life. The dramatic irony in this, is that only Hamlet and the audience know that Claudius has killed the past King, and no one else. Hamlet still has to live under the same roof as Claudius even though he knows that Claudius murdered his father. Gertrude and Claudius assume that Hamlet is entering a state of depression due to his father’s recent passing, however they are only semi-correct. Hamlet talks about how angry he is over his mother’s drastic choice to marry his uncle. He talks more about his mother and her remarriage than his father’s death. The dramatic irony in this scene is that the …show more content…

He was pale and trembling, his shirt was unbuttoned, and open. He no longer was wearing a hat, his stockings were down to his ankles, and he was filthy. She explained he looked pathetic, sad. The dramatic irony in this is that the audience, Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus know that Hamlet is only pretending to have gone mad. However, Ophelia does not know this. The audience feels sympathy towards King hamlet who make his appearance in the play as a ghost and has been murdered by his younger brother Claudius. The audience and the victim, King hamlet, both know the truth about his murder, however he himself is helpless about taking any revenge. Even though he tries to at least let his son know about the murder, but seeing him in pain even after his death develops a huge sympathy towards his character. In addition, his wife Gertrude and his kingdom has been snatched away from him in fraudulent ways by his own brother, gives him huge agonizing

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