
Examples Of Ethos In Letter From Birmingham Jail

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"I Have a Dream," as well as "Letter from Birmingham Jail." Dr. King's speech and letter he used Pathos and Logos to persuasively persuade the diverse audience with his speech, his speech also his letter are considered to be his most powerful/inspiring works, and they still have a powerful impact even after all these years. When speaking about Dr. King, he was a powerful African American leader who helped lead the civil rights movement to free black people from the shackles of segregation. It was the year 1963 when major cities erupted in violence and protest. A highly influential event of that year was Dr.King's "I Have a Dream'' Speech. While addressing a diverse crowd of white and black people at the …show more content…

King uses Pathos in his " I Have a Dream '' speech to make people believe there is hope for Racial Equality. He uses pathos when he states, “The negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination ” (King 261). In this quote, Dr.king explains that black people are still suffering from racial inequality. This is an example of pathos because after the five score years passed black people were still getting persecuted. Dr.king’s use of pathos in the example proves that he can make people believe that there is hope for racial equality. Dr. King uses pathos in the speech. He wants his audience to believe there is hope for racial equality.His use of pathos is fitting for the audience and the …show more content…

King to white clergymen who criticize his efforts to free black people from oppression and violence by white cops. It goes so far as to criticize him for being in jail for loitering outside of a courtroom, as it says in the text. “They called him a lawbreaker, unwise,and an outsider” (King 275) According to this text, the White clergymen referred to Dr.King as an outsider due to his inability to be invited to Birmingham. They also referred to Dr.King as a lawbreaker due to his jail time and unwise because of his nonviolent protests. It shows countless examples of pathos throughout the letter from Birmingham jail, one example being: “We began a series of workshops on nonviolence, and we repeatedly asked ourselves:”Are you able to accept blows without retailing?”(King 273) in the sentence his use of pathos fits the category for pathos. Pity or tragedy are examples of pathos when a character expresses some type of

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