
Examples Of Etiquette Norms In To Kill A Mockingbird

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One example of Jim Crow etiquette norms in To Kill A Mockingbird is that a black male could not offer his hand or any other part of his body to a white woman. If he did, he would be accused of rape. Tom Robinson is accused of raping Mayella Ewell because Mr.Ewell saw him touch his daughter. Since nobody wants to go around the Ewells and the Ewells do whatever they want, Atticus is fighting for the defendant, but knows that the result will still be the same. Later on in the book, we find out that Mr.Ewell abuses his daughter. Mr.Ewell is known for being very cruel and mean. Even his son has the same mean attitude. Robinson is used as a scapegoat because he is an easy target. Therefore, because of the circumstances it would put him in a situation
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