
Examples Of Evidence Based Practice In Nursing

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Nightingale Paper

Sarah Soares DeCastro
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
NUR 261-05: Concepts of Scholarship In Nursing
Professor Chen
21 February 2023

Evidence-Based Practice In Nursing

Evidence-based practice in nursing is defined as a "Problem-solving approach to the delivery of health care that integrates the best evidence from well-designed studies with patients’ preferences and values and the clinician’s expertise, which includes internal evidence gathered from patient data" (Fain, 2021, p. 21). It is a practice that stems from the idea that medical professionals should base their decisions about how to treat patients less on tradition or experience and more on the results of scientific evidence. Evidence-based …show more content…

Florence Nightingale was a British nurse, born in Florence, Italy, on May 12, 1820.. She wrote the novel to inform, and make a change to better the future of nursing. Due to Nightingale’s environmental views on how nature can have an impact on a patient's general health, her work in the book serves as an example of evidence-based practice. Lighting, cleanliness, ventilation, fresh water, and effective drainage are a few of these elements. The Nightingale states “It is the unqualifies result of all my experience with the sick, that second only to their need of fresh air is their need of light; that, after a close room, what hurts them most is a dark room. And that it is not only light but direct sun-light they want” (Nightingale, 1969, p.46). She came to the conclusion that light is crucial to a patient's health based on her expertise and observations from her prior interactions with …show more content…

Nightingale touched on the topic in the beginning of the book and throughout the rest of the chapters in the novel. She discussed the cleanliness of rooms, bedding, houses, and etc. She stated "Every nurse ought to be careful to wash her hands very frequently during the day. If her face too, so much the better. One word as to cleanliness merely as cleanliness" (Nightingale, 1969, p. 53). Through her environmental theories, which included ten elements such as ventilation and warming, light, noise, the health of the houses, beds and bedding, variety, personal cleanliness, food, offering hope, and observation and recording, Nightingale developed plans for improving cleanliness within the nursing practice. Nightingale thought that if these ten components were balanced properly, nature would be able to heal the body of any sickness or illness. It intrigued me because her concept on cleanliness improvements developed guidelines for hygienic and secure hospitals, and it is presently utilized by every healthcare facility all over the

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