Examples Of Evil In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

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In “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, there are several occurrences of evil. A few are: the violence throughout the book, the physical appearance of Mr. Hyde, and what the whole story is centered off of duality of Dr. Jekyll. These three are just a small portion of the evil that Robert Stevenson created in his novel. There are varying degrees of violence some seeming like harmless accidents while others are clear gruesome acts, but the violence that Mr. Hyde committed was full of intent and pleasure. It starts off in chapter one with Mr. Enfield telling Mr. Utterson about the night he saw Mr. Hyde, who was described at the time as “some damned Juggernaut” by Mr. Enfield, trample over a little girl one night, the time when evil lurks, as though it were nothing. After running …show more content…

Hyde as though he were created in the image of Satan. Mr. Hyde is said to be hairy, distorted hands, gives you a very uneasy chilling feel when looking at him, and small. The devil is also described to be hairy, often pictured as part animal, mostly a goat. The devil is seen often with claws, which Mr. Hyde’s hands could be representing. Satan, if present would not be very pleasant to look at and would give you a feeling of being uncomfortable and a bit troubled. Lastly Mr. Hyde was being described as small, this could be because it would be easier to sneak around and be unnoticed, while the devil is also known for being very sly and cunning. Mr. Hyde being described as small could also be caused by him mostly coming out in the night away from the sun. The sun is a symbol of life, growth, and good while the night represents death confusion and when Satan and other evils come out to do their work. People are said to be created in the image and likeness of God, it seems as though the pure evil in Mr. Hyde has him looking as though he were created in the image and likeness of

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