
Examples Of Fallacy In The Great Gatsby

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People perceive the American Dream just to be one thing, but others might see it as something more peculiar than that. Someone might see it as wanting to get out of an inadequate neighborhood, to have a prepossessing house, be able to take care of their family, or to be able to give back to their community. Therefore, everyone has their own presumption on the American Dream. The word fallacy means mistaken belief. The American Dream means the ideal that every U.S. citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, dedication, and initiative. If you put both of them together, you have Fallacy of the American Dream. There are people working night and day to reach the typical American Dream, yet they don’t, so they set their own. Our cherished American Dream gradually pales away. However, in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, he wrote how the people wanted to achieve the American Dream. The American Dream to most of them meant …show more content…

The Valley of Ashes are where the victims of the rich reside. The people in the Valley of Ashes are poor with nothing. They are the social class that has to set an American Dream of their own because they can not achieve the typical American Dream. Those people have to strive everyday to create an American Dream so they can be able to say the finally reached the American Dream. The East and West Egg looks down on the people in the Valley of Ashes. The people in the Valley of Ashes have to work harder than the other social classes because they don’t have the riches or the wealth the other social classes have. The other classes look down upon them and act as they are better than them and that is how it is in real life. The Great Gatsby relates back to life now. People now are making their own American Dreams because they can’t reach them just like the people in The Great

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