Examples Of Father Son Relationship In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Not All Father And Son Relationships Are The Same

In Mississippi Trail, 1955 by Chris Crowe, Hiram and his father have an unfortunate

relationship. However, in Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie and his dad have a very good quality

relationship. What is a good and bad father-son relationship?. Hiram and his father Harlan got

into an argument about Hiram moving in with his grandfather for the summer, and that is part of

why they do not get along. On the other hand, Elie and his dad have a superior relationship, and

they rely on each other. There are several similarities and differences between Hiram's father-son

relationship from Mississippi Trial, 1955 by Chris Crowe, and Elies father-son relationship

from Night by Elie Wiesel.

Hiram …show more content…

Furthermore, Hiram and Elie both have good protective

dads. Hiram's dad did not want him to go to Greenwood and stay with his grandpa because his

dad knows about racial issues that Hiram does not know about. “You think you won something

big don't you, well you're going to find out that I know some things you don't”(Crowe 44).

Hiram's dad clearly agreed to let Hiram go though he is not very pleasant about the idea of it.

Elies dad also really tries to care and make sure Elie is alright, Elie and his dad had a

good relationship. They had arrived at the Auschwitz concentration camp and they are both

scared to death weeping and shaking. “Father's voice was terribly sad, I understood that he did

not wish to see his only son go up in flames”(Wiesel 33). At this overwhelming moment, there

is so many questions and so much to think about. As well as in Mississippi Trial,1955 Hiram and

his father talk on the phone for the very first time in a while. “Hiram your father wants to speak

to you”(Crowe 148). Hiram is very surprised that his dad wants to talk to him because he was

worried about him. Even though some father-son relationships could be bad it doesn't mean …show more content…

Hiram and his father

always get into arguments, on the other hand, Elie and his father are always there for each other

and caring for one another. Hiram and his dad got into arguments all the time and Hiram did not

like the consequences. “I can't tell you which is worse the sermons or the soap, but I will tell

you this, I hated when dad acted like that”(Crowe 1).This is why Hiram loved going to his

grandparents' house, it was so he did not have to deal with his dad. Nevertheless Elie and his dad

had a very good relationship, unlike Hiram. Hiram is so scared that he was holding his dad's

Hand. “My hand tightens its grip on my father, all I could think of was not to lose him”(Wiesel

30). Elie loved his family but since his mom and sister are gone all he has is his dad and he is in

a very scary and bad situation but they are in it together. Although Hiram and his father do not

have the best relationship it very faintly changed. His Father said “Your a smart boy I expect

you to use your head”(Crowe 147).Their relationship may have changed a tint because of the