Examples Of Figurative Language In 1984 By George Orwell

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Only Human? In the novel 1984, George Orwell utilizes figurative language as well as vivid diction to convey that totalitarian rule of a society will lead to dehumanization. The first time Winston sees the man sitting at the table across from him, he notices that “his spectacles caught the light and presented to [him] two blank discs instead of eyes” (55). Using a metaphor, Orwell compares the man’s eyes to “two blank discs,” bringing to mind the concept of emptiness, or a lack of emotion. Eyes are supposed to show a sense of emotion, and can display the many feelings that humans possess. However, if they do not represent real eyes but “two blank discs,” there seems to be no connection between the emotions of a human and a sort of extraterrestrial …show more content…

As Winston overhears the man attempting to speak, he realizes that “from the stream of sound that poured out of [the man’s] mouth, it was almost impossible to distinguish a single word” (55). Here, the author’s description of it being “impossible” to understand speech suggests the further destruction of human traits. This becomes another clear example of how the Party takes full control and deletes relics from the past, as well as normal traits that characterize a human, such as speech. The use of the metaphor “stream of sound” does not portray human characteristics since people usually talk with spaces between words. Taking away communication between others displays the everlasting reign of a totalitarian government, and how much havoc it can cause with the rest of society. Actions executed by totalitarian regimes such as the loss of eyes and speech are only the beginning. Furthermore, when Winston becomes more suspicious of the man and his questionable humanity, including his speech, he realizes that “it was not the man’s brain that was speaking, it was his larynx” (55). Using the word “larynx” brings to mind the idea of “think before you speak”. However, no one is actually thinking because the Party has taken the privilege of thinking away from the people in order to exact