The author of my book uses many signposts, figurative language to express her theme that best friends know each other the best. In one scene Abby is asking Riya a question and it totally fits how abby’s since of humar. Riya thinks “ There’s my abby” will she is smiling. The girls haven't seen each other for a year, but yet they still are tight. There is also this one time when The girls are at a art museum and Riya not really the museum type so she kind of is just bored. Abby says “ I know she always preferred the osmosis approach to any experience, to soak it all in instead of focusing on facts, but she’s visibly annoyed at Neel’s presence and clearly letting it get her.” Abby knows that she does not like Neel because he is too controlling and she wants to be alone with Abby. …show more content…
Riya calls them History tidbits. Riya knows she says them when abby's nervous or bored or trying to get her idea across, so Riya knows more than anyone else why she was really saying that stuff. The author uses an onamonapia to illustrate how her thinking was going about The girls knowing each other really well. Riya is in a fight with Neel and Abby doesn’t feel like getting involved, so when Riya gives her that look be on my side Abby makes a hand motion that Riya knows and she knows Abby is just like ehhhhh. One of the times the author uses a hyperbole to show that riya practically knows everything about abby. Riya thinks in her head “ I can practically see her head spinning.” Riya knows abby is overwhelmed. There's this other scene where the author use again and again to show how much they know each other. Riya says something to Abby like she read her mind she , so Abby says “ she knows me to