Examples Of Free Will In Romeo And Juliet

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Fate versus free will has a major impact on ourselves motivating our numerous decisions and affecting our lives. The theme of fate versus free will also plays a crucial part in one of the most famous pieces of literature written by arguably the most influential writer of all time, the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet written by the famous William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet takes place in the Italian city of Verona where two unfortunate lovers will eventually take their lives trying to be each other’s companion. Fate is where a certain course of events is predetermined and beyond a person’s control while free will refers to a person having the ability to make their own decisions and perform actions independently from extraneous circumstances. …show more content…

This is seen through Romeo and Juliet’s constant struggle to oppose their pitiful births of fatefully being born into opposing families forcing them to stay constantly separated from each other, however Romeo and Juliet find ways to be in each other presence which is seen through Romeo devising a plan to sneak into Juliet’s house at night when Romeo tells the Nurse “Within an hour, one of my men will come to you behind the abbey wall and give you a rope ladder. I’ll use the rope ladder to climb over the walls at night. Then I’ll meet Juliet joyfully and in secret.” (2.4.92-96) This signifies Romeo’s efforts to oppose what is seemingly fateful in an effort driven by his love for Juliet. Romeo’s use of the rope ladder represents his determination while the wall symbolizes the obstacle which is the fate that Romeo strives to defy. The attempt to defy what seems fateful is also a theme that is displayed in the story of Pyramus and Thisbe where the adolescents of neighboring families fall in love with each other however are forbidden by their parents. However, the intriguing feeling of love captivated them till the extent to which they planned to run away from their homes which is stated in the story when said “They decided that that very night they would try to slip away and steal out through the city into the open country where at last they could be together in freedom.” (Edith 2) This related to Romeo and Juliet and their desire to be together in freedom which ultimately attracted them to make numerous decisions that were crucial to defining their fatal outcomes at the end of the story such as their decisions to marry without their parents’ knowledge,