6 Common Arguments Against Feminism And Every Way You Can Shut Them Down

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Armando Chavarin
English 100
Professor Fagundes
Gender Equality The two articles “ 6 Common Arguments Against Feminism & Every Way You Can Shut Them Down” and “Girl power has lifted up women but failed men” are two very different articles. Even though they both discuss the expulsion of gender equality, their arguments vary from one another and present a lot better than the other one. For example, “Girl power has lifted up women but failed men” confuses the reader to what they are arguing about. The writer goes from one topic to the other and this confuses the reader. And the article “6 Common Arguments Against Feminism & Every Way You Can Shut Them Down” is more well organized, the writing is clear with what it's arguing …show more content…

When the reader gets more into the reading, it's start stating how if men and women were to have a better communication, a better understanding of each other, it would lead to a more healthier relationships. Then Scott states that “Relationships built on truth of who each person is vs. Who they believe they need to be to make things work”(Scott). When the author says that, he doesn’t explain himself very well. The author would talk about how if men and women were to be truthful to themselves, it would lead them to a healthier lifestyle and then after that, on the next paragraph it will argue about something else. In the article, the author doesn't give enough information to back up its statements and it's arguments. There are a couple of more arguments whereas the author doesn't support it properly. “Feminism might have expanded our idea of what a women can do and be, but failed to expand our definition”(Scott), the writer doesn't explain himself properly nor does he give examples to defend its arguments. As the reader starts reading the paragraphs and gets more into it, instead of the first sentence telling you what the argument is about, instead, you'll see numbers of different arguments. Therefore, making it ineffective. On the other hand, the author of “Girl power has lifted women up but failed men” uses some …show more content…

Even though the author shows and states many facts and statistics about how gender equality now a days isn't working, he doesn't give enough examples on how to solve it. For example the author says, “ Women are capable creature's. Have been for a very long time, though we often downplay it”(Scott). And this is a good example because in the beginning, the author is explaining how women are capable of doing anything but the author doesn't give any information nor any examples on how they are capable of doing stuff. Instead of talking about how women could do anything, the author starts to talk about negative things about them. It makes sense that people now a days should take gender equality serious, but the author fails to mention on how we could do that, the author doesn't show any methods on how we could accomplish