Examples Of Good And Evil In Dante's Inferno

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People have different views on good and evil. People might think cheating and lying is evil and some people might not think that. Everyone have different opinions of good and evil. I want to focus on how Dante viewed good and evil in the Inferno.In the Inferno Dante shows how he views good and evil. For him being good is completely tied to God and Heaven, whereas evil is entirely the province of Hell and satan. How Dante described Heaven and Hell are fiction. They are parts of his unique imagination. He also expands on the possibilities of life and death, and makes clear that consequences follow actions. He wanted to show that people who want to be good make good choices and people who are bad make bad choices. Then those who are evil gets sent to Hell. …show more content…

“ Here one must leave behind all hesitation; here every cowardinance must meet its death” ( Dante 3 ). This quote shows how hard it is for Dante to come across all of these people who are suffering but then he overcomes it because they are evil people and Hell is for evil people. Dante thinks accepting a bribe is much worse than murder in the Six Circle of Hell which I disagree with. He also thinks violence his less evil than fraud which I agree with this because fraud is a very dangerous thing to do and it can hurt people and is a very bad habit. Dante doesn’t worship or care about people he only worships and cares about God and he does all of this because those evil people didn’t listen to