Examples Of Guile In The Odyssey

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Have you ever had a goal in mind, but when you look ahead the road seems long and hard? In the Epic The Odyssey by the famous poet Homer the protagonist Odysseus undergoes a long and ponderous journey that takes him through many trials, temptations, and woes. One such trial that Odysseus faces is when he and his comrades are trapped within the Cyclops’ cave and must figure out a way to escape through guile and cleverness. Another thing that Odysseus faces in his Epic journey are his temptations. In The Odyssey his Hubris or overconfidence is his big mistake or temptation. It often gets him and his men into loads of trouble. During his long journey home Odysseus also faces inevitable woes. He must choose to either let all his men die by the mighty currents of the whirlpool …show more content…

He and his men wander inside disregarding the laws of Xenia as custom in the area. The Cyclops’ is a savage beast and proceeds to trap them within his cave and devour them. Odysseus uses his incredible guile and cleverness to outsmart the beast. He first gets the Cyclops’ extremely intoxicated with wine so that it passes out. He then gouges its’ single eye out so that it cannot see where he and his men are hiding. The Cyclops has sheep and ram inside the cave with him so when the time comes to let them out to pasture he and his men strap themselves to the sheep to escape right under the nose of the Cyclops. In my journey to become a straight A student I too will be faced with trials of my own to contend with. One of these such trials may be the workload of the following grades. As the classes get progressively harder and harder every year I may need to adapt my learning and homework strategies to cope with these large amounts of work. I would be using my own tricks and smarts just as Odysseus did to overcome his trials, and I would not want to be tempted away from my