Examples Of Hallucinations In Macbeth

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Based on the observations of Macbeth, the diagnosis for him is schizophrenia. Macbeth went through a lot of changes in the play and after he had Banquo killed he started to have hallucinations. He started to feel paranoid after he killed Duncan he felt as if he had a lot of blood on his hands and that every noise made him fearful. Macbeth isolated himself because he felt like everybody was out to take his spot as king. He did not consult with Lady Macbeth anymore and decided to impulsive and have Macduff's family killed. Aggressiveness started to take over Macbeth after the power starts to fill up his head. Macbeth symptoms of Schizophrenia are hallucinations, paranoid, isolations, impulsive, and aggressiveness.
In the beginning client Macbeth …show more content…

Macbeth has Macduff's wife and son murdered. He feels like can’t no opposition stay alive. His guilt faded away quickly he has changed so much over the time period. This was not the person that he was once before, power and greed took him over for the worst. Eventually, all that caught up with him after they were planning to attack Macbeth. Macduff comes to fight, he and he is the one to kill Macbeth and is crowned king. Another important one that we have him written down with is Self-Isolation. Our client felt like he could not be around people anymore and anybody who he was with was out to get him. He stop confiding in his wife and started to make moves without her help or her say so. When we looked into our cases or schizophrenia we found they some patients have experienced hallucinations. They really never really positive hallucinations either always negative you can say.
Based on the observations of Macbeth, the diagnosis for him is schizophrenia. Our clients symptoms of Schizophrenia are hallucinations, paranoid, isolations, impulsive, and aggressiveness. There are few possible treatments for Schizophrenia and that would be lots of medications and psychotherapy. It is very important if you see somebody with these same symptoms that they need to contact somebody