The Odyssey takes the reader on a trip of showing Odysseus’s way back home, after held on an island with the goddess Calypso for years. With the aid of Pallas Athena and other courteous gods and goddesses, he could make it home to Ithaca, and annihilate the suitors that were ill-behaved. However, before his arrival in Ithaca, he encountered and was kindly embraced in numerous stranger’s homes. One of the prime themes in The Odyssey is hospitality. No matter who someone was or where an individual has been, they would always be met with kindheartedness. In my opinion, that is quite a pleasant trait or way of being. Anyone that was ever lost or in need of directions would never be pushed or stranded away; furthermore, on top of them being lent a hand in their dire need of assistance, they would also be offered food and a place to stay for the night. That is a perfect example of humanity. Individuals lending a hand to one another in their time of need. In the beginning of The Odyssey, in book one, Telemachus spots Pallas Athena and gives her this grand welcoming. He said, “Greeting Stranger! Here in our house you’ll find a royal welcome” (Homer 277. …show more content…
An example of things going haywire was when Odysseus and his crew went into the Cyclops domain, when he was not there at the time. Him and his team gorged on the Cyclops’ cheese, killed his sheep, and drank his milk. For Odysseus and his men, they saw nothing of the deed, but the Cyclops was not a fan of it at all. Plus, the Cyclops is not like them, and the men should have been more cautious and respectful on a different area due to the area possibility of having different values. Because of their ignorance, the Cyclops saw what the men did as insolent and got even. He imprisoned them in his cave and devoured some of Odysseus crew. This was a perfect example for the men to learn that everyone is not the same when it comes to