
Examples Of Hypnosis

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I think this representation of hypnosis is valid, back in the 1990s, "The Hypnotic World of Paul McKenna", there were many different television shows that used this as a way of making cheap entertainment for the masses. Besides who doesn't want to see a loved one or friend acting like an idiot for fame and glory, thankfully we have moved on from that, instead we have reality television which is much the same thing but without hypnosis. Although one could argue it is the television audience that is hypnotized by the contestants lewd and offensive behavior. I do think there is truth in hypnosis but I think it depends on the person, I would like to say I don't think I could be hypnotized , but as it has never happened to me I can not say for definite whether it would affect me whatsoever. I think it is down to the individual who is being hypnotized, and is due to weaker minds that can be coerced into being hypnotized in the 1st place, we live in a world where it is easy to coerce "people into giving their life savings away to a Nigerian Prince" with very little effort. So I would say it is possible but I have yet to see it unless …show more content…

Perhaps trying to help the patient remember painful memories or of lost hours of their lives, for example those who have reported "Alien Abduction" or those that may or may not have "been drugged previously against their will." Its hard to say what would be a normal experience of hypnosis as many people think that it is a con or that those that "can be hypnotized in the 1st place may or may not have known mental health issues." I can offer no insight on whether it is real or not I have neither seen it or experienced it, and personally would not accept it being done to me. Just the thought of it being done to me repulses me to the core, having your brain opened much like a book for all to see, what a scary

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