Indigenous knowledge systems
1. Introduction
Indigenous knowledge is used to describe the knowledge systems developed by a community as opposed to the scientific knowledge that is generally referred to as modern knowledge (Ajibade, 2003). Indigenous knowledge is also the basis for local level decision making in many rural and cultural communities. It has value not only for the culture in which it evolves, but also for science and planners striving to improve conditions in rural localities. In this essay I will be discussing gender inequality in three different ideological perspectives which is the traditional perspective, western perspective and Christian perspective, now gender inequality refers to the social process in which people are
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American society has come a long way in recognizing and protecting women’s humanity and human rights, however women will always be fundamentally different than men because of the mentality that man has over women that their ability is to only bear children and do household chores. How is my topic related to indigenous knowledge? my topic is related to indigenous knowledge in a manner that women were not treated the same, women were always undermined and seen as poor leaders and men were always superior to women in almost everything and cultural elders believed that a men is the head of his family and should therefore be the provider of his family.
1.2 Problem
In this essay will be focusing on gender inequality but my main problem will be focused on how women used to be treated back in the days and how the modern people see it as an insult to women ,now gender inequality was not up to anyone but their cultures, every culture or tradition had its own believes now in traditional African cultures elders believed that a women only had to bare kids for her husband and that a man was the head of a house and had to be respected ,he was also responsible for taking care of his family
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Now in the modern western societies women now have respectable jobs, the ability to make the choices of having and taking care of the children, cleaning their homes, cooking , doing the laundry , women now has the right to education and be educated and most importantly, are allowed to be seen as equal in some indigenous communities of South and South-East Asia, Thailand and Cambodia women now enjoy a high social position and their status is not low in comparison to their male counterparts. Property is now owned by both men and women in their communities. Women now spend their income freely without any advice from their men relatives. Women are now entitled to hold exclusive land rights and inherit ancestral