
Examples Of Inhumanity In Night

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Inhumanity occurs everywhere and knowing how to stand up for what is right and what is wrong is hard to do in society. People tend to look past the bad becuase what is inhumane is not happening to them, however it is to the people around them. In the book Night written by Elie Wiesel, society shows how people tends to overlook the bad and to ignore it. Also, in the book Tuesdays with Morrie written by Mitch Albom, it also shows inhumanity but mainly focuses on humanity to man. In Tuesday with Morrie, the inhumanity is how people do not always deserve was is given to them. However, in both books, society does shows how they can also be helpful and encourage the people who are affected by inhumanity. First, the inhumanity in Night is tremendous and more easily noticed than in Tuesday with …show more content…

In Night, the Jews were taken from their home and placed in ghettos or in concentrations camps. They were forced to face onerous living conditions. The ghettos were the first major step in inhumanity. The ghettos were very small and if a family's house was not in perimeter of the ghetto, they now were homeless. The ghettos were very small and the Jews inside faced hardship (Wiesel, Elie 12). The Jews were the only ones that were aware of their situations. Society had no clue of the extent of the camps and ghettos, and if they did they ignored it in fear they too might get punished. Many did not speak up because if they did they do would face disciplinary actions from society and from the police. At the camps, the Jews were forced to work and given very little to no food. They were provided one set of clothes and were forced to sleep two to three people in a bunk. Death became their normal and they struggled to survive. When the jews arrived to the camps, if they were too young or to old they were sent right away to the gas chambers or wrose. The jews faced an

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