Examples Of Innocence In Night By Elie Wiesel

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The millions of elders, adults, teens, children, and babies were forced to the loss of their innocence during the Holocaust. “They took our hair off with clippers, and shaved off all the hair on our bodies.” (Wiesel, 1960, page 33) This was one of the reasons they lost their innocence. At such a young age, Elie had lost his identity as his own individual human being. Everyone was just skinny, pale bald men and women. “The three ‘veterans’, with needles in their hands engraved a number on our left arms.” (Wiesel, 1960, page 39) This was another reason why they lost their innocence. At a young age Elie and others were forced to get a tattoo of a designated number. That was their new names, numbers. “They had a ‘shit bucket’ in the middle of