
Examples Of Insanity In Hamlet

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Although many people unfortunately encounter insanity, many feign it in order to achieve their goals. Shakespeare’s Hamlet, heir to the throne of Denmark, deals with a prince that must fake insanity in order to take revenge on the person who murdered his father. Hamlet’s fake madness has many purposes behind it that require thorough ways of thinking. Insanity can be defined as the condition of being mentally unstable or ill. Hamlet is truly not mad because he has supreme intelligence, sensible words, and secretive witnesses. Hamlet is truly sane because he possesses supreme intelligence. Hamlet began to think of a plan to finally prove Claudius’s guilt. He decides to present the play “The Murder of Gonzago” which is similar to the situation …show more content…

When Hamlet would get annoyed with Claudius’s attitude, he would say quotes with deeper meanings to confuse him. Hamlet states, “Not so my lord, I am too much in the sun,” (I, ii, 67). He is sarcastically asking, “Why are you starting to regret your actions even though you are the person who decided to commit them?” After, Hamlet states, “Words, words, words … You cannot, sir, take anything away from me,” (II, ii, 183), which proves that Hamlet actually thinks about what he is going to say. According to Peter Baker, this quote reveals that words have no importance since everything has gone wrong already. Hamlet continues to question what he is going to find important in a book. On the other hand, his “to be or not to be” soliloquy reveals a lot about Hamlet’s purpose in his mission and in life. He is questioning the righteousness of life over death in moral terms, as stated by shakespeare-online. Not only does his soliloquy discuss rational terms, but it is very logical in sense of debating whether to live or not. As a result, Hamlet’s words may be perceived as nonsense, but they exhibit a much more complex and intricate way of

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