
Examples Of Institutional Racism

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Institutional racism is a major issue in the West
Syria, the country where nearly all hope is lost and there is no value in life anymore, this is where the refugees are coming from, escaping war and saving their kids, dreaming of a stable, equal life in the safe western regions of the US and europe, looking for their children’s dreams to be fulfilled. Little do they know that institutional racism has overwhelmed the western civilisation, since the africans arrived in 1590 making the place that all races were dreaming of settling in, a living hell for them. What is institutional racism? Institutional racism or systemic racism describes forms of racism which are structured into political and social institutions. It occurs when organisations, institutions or governments discriminate, either deliberately or indirectly, against certain groups of people to limit their rights. I want to reveal where it came from, and how it influences our society. …show more content…

It usually is a cause of the public attitude or close-mindedness in the area where the business or institution is present, leading to an overall opinion that the minority race should not be treated equally. This can be seen especially in educational institutions like schools, when teachers or staff are influenced by general conception in their area. This can be witnessed more vividly in some states in the US than the Uk and other European states. Therefore it can be stated that institutional racism comes from public opinion and no true opposition to such old-fashioned ideas, which sends a message to western leaders, that the key to abbreviating it is to change public attitude and show opposition to racism, by advertisements, public humiliation and encouraging

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