Examples Of Internal Struggle In Macbeth

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An internal struggle is a “psychological struggle within the mind of a literary or dramatic character, the resolution of which creates the plot 's suspense” (dictionary.refrence.com). In the drama Macbeth by William Shakespeare one could go as far as saying that the internal struggle of the main character is the base of the plot itself. The entire drama revolves around the facets of Macbeth’s internal struggle and the actions which he takes as a result of this. Catalysed by low self esteem a struggle begins in which Macbeth seeks to be admired by attempting to take power in ways which conflict with conscience. This struggle is manifold and complex but for the purpose of analysis can be divided into three governing factors. Primarily, Macbeth craves power but is too weak to obtain it rightfully, leading him to a second internal struggle in which his ambitious attempts to obtain power conflict with his conscience. Finally both of these struggles are results of his struggle to be admired.
Firstly, a contributing factor towards Macbeth’s internal struggle is his hunger for power that is contrasted by his cowardice which prevents him from independently attaining power. Macbeth hopes that “chance may crown (him) // Without (his) stir” (I,iii,142-143) revealing his wish for power to come to him through luck. Since He cannot only rely on luck to crown him he anticipates that Banquo will let them “speak // (Their) free hearts to each other,” (I,iii,153-154) and help him discover what

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