
Examples Of Jealousy In The Crucible

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Jealousy Throughout Salem Jealousy does not only cloud our judgment of ourselves but it also leads to the destruction of friendships. Trials were beginning to take place in Salem over the idea of people practicing witchcraft. During this time people could accuse anyone without any hard evidence. With that being allowed, it caused a tremendous amount of problems and also resulted in the death of many innocent people. In Arthur Miller’s, The Crucible, Mr. Putnam, Mrs. Putnam, and Abigail Williams’ jealousy gets out of hand and begins to create chaos throughout Salem. Over the course of all the accusations, many have been accused by Thomas Putnam due to his desire for their property. Thomas Putnam has always believed that his neighbor's land belonged to his ancestors so therefore it is his land. By being the wealthiest person in Salem, Thomas is the only one that is able to buy a portion of land as big as Mr. Jacobs. Giles Corey states, “The day his daughter cried out on Jacobs, he said she’d given him a fair gift of land” (1299). Mr. Putnam illustrates his jealousy for his neighbor's land when he …show more content…

Putnam, Ann has always been jealous of the women that have the ability to bear children without any complications. Ann Putnam has went through seven pregnancies which all have resulted in the loss of her babies except for Ruth. While Rebecca Nurse has eleven children and twenty-six grandchildren, Ann begins revealing her jealousy through hinting towards Rebecca being the reason they have not survived. Francis Nurse exclaimed, “For Murder, she’s charged! For the marvelous and supernatural murder of Goody Putnam’s babies” (1280). Ann Putnam began showing her jealousy when she heard about how many children Rebecca has. She believes that it was unfair to her for someone to have that many children while some people can not even have one. Ann Putnam will always be jealous and envious of those who are able to bear many

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