
Examples Of Jim As A Christ Figure In Huckleberry Finn

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Jesus Christ “shed more light on [all] things human and divine than all philosophers and scholars combined” (Schaff 1). Jesus represented everything statisfacotry in the world. He made the best of each and every situation, just as Jim did. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, Huck makes friends with a runaway slave, Jim. Jim becomes a companion with Huck and others throughout their journey. Many times he performs actions that represent actions that are pure and holy, as Jesus Christ would. Jim represents a Christ figure due to his sacrificial actions and gratitude towards Huck despite his ignorance. Throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Jim prioritizes other’s needs before his own by sacrificing his freedom to save other characters. When the doctor could not save Tom without assistance, Jim steps out from where he is hiding to help …show more content…

When Huck supports Jim in his dream of being free and helping him accomplish his dream, Jim demonstrates his gratitude through praising him. As they impend toward Cairo, Jim is highly overwhelmed with the fact that he will soon be free all because of Huck. He believes that his freedom “...couldn't have ever been for Huck [and for that]... Jim wont ever forg[e]t [Huck]” (Twain 67). This exemplifies how grateful Jim really feels. He appreciates everything that Huck has done for him to help him be able to be a free man that without him, most likely, would have been impossible. Once again on Jim’s journey to freedom, two men stop their canoe and question Huck about whether or not a runaway is aboard the boat. Huck makes up a lie to cover up the Jim technically qualifies as a runaway. He “...saved Jim [,]by … [saying his “father”] had smallpox [,whom] was so grateful…” (Twain 161) for what he did for him . If Huck did not do this, Jim would have been captured and taken back to Miss.Watson; therefore, taken back into

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