Examples Of Magical Realism In The Great Gatsby

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An example of Magic Realism is in chapter 6, Cochin Kangaroos. During this chapter, Rahel is at the airport with her family to pick up Sophie Mol and Margaret Kochamma. While waiting, Rahel notices trash bins that are in the shape of a kangaroo. On page 133 it says, “The smallest one stretched its neck like people in English films who loosed their ties after office. The middle one rummaged in her pouch for a long cigarette stub to smoke”. In this example we learn of how Rahel’s childlike imagination takes over and portrays magic realism. This example shocks the reader back into reality, because this situation is abnormal, and allows for glimpse into how Rahel sees the world at such a young age. The example of the kangaroos is important because it shows that even though Rahel is going through all of these traumatic events and she is seeing terrible things, she is …show more content…

She doesn’t understand fully what is happening so her imagination takes over and she creates situations that are better fit for her understanding. An example of intertextuality is on page 38 where Chako quotes The Great Gatsby. This particular quotation from The Great Gatsby is important to twin’s family. Pappachi and Baby Kochamma have particularly strong anglophilic views which have been passed on to the younger generations of their family. “‘It is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men’”(TGOST Pg. 38). The older family members have been taught to admire westerners as well as their ideas and culture. In the quotation on page 38, Nick Carraway’s dreams are set aside so that he can admire Gatsby and help Gatsby achieve his dreams. The twin’s family is doing the same thing with