Examples Of Materialism In The Great Gatsby

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The superficial and excitable attitude of the 1920’s didn’t just appear. Coming out of WW1 marked the end of the single minded focus on surviving and transitioned to pleasure the entertainment industry. Increase in wealth from the war, stabilized the economy and made it possible for the general attitude to change. Along creation with prohibition speakeasies and bootleggers rose in popularity because of their opportunities for excitement. Yet, such an extravagant and vapid lifestyle founded on materialism was unsustainable. Fitzgerald criticized the nationwide obsession on achieving the American Dream. The valley of ashes is an industrial dumping ground and by-product of the corrupt capitalism. The residents are empty and described as Ash Men. They work as wage slaves to the high class, which Nick notices when he remarks that, “Americans, while occasionally willing to work as serfs, refuse peasantry.” They live as slaves but pretend to be high class, like Myrtle. She symbolizes the desperation and empty hope of being something she’s not, with …show more content…

They seek wealth in all forms. Each person wants to be the happiest, the richest, and the prettiest. Gatsby’s love for Daisy is just another example of chasing an impossible dream. He goes to extreme lengths to prove his worth over Tom’s, and attempts to push away what he knows to be true, that they will never be together. Daisy and Tom are the epitome of superficial because neither act with any depth, and they do everything just for appearances. A quote by Criss Jami describes the attitude of the upper class, “Man is not, by nature, deserving of all that he wants. When we think that we are automatically entitled to something that is when we start walking all over others to get it.” The rich believe they are entitled to anything they want and are willing to destroy anything that stands in the